Callout for Local Volunteers this World Homeless Day

World Homeless Day brings focus to the issues of homelessness and housing insecurity in our region. Everyone deserves safe, secure and affordable housing, but for many locals, this isn’t the reality.

Homeless hub Fletcher Street Cottage changes the lives of people experiencing homelessness in our local community. Marked globally on October 10th, World Homeless Day draws attention to the needs of people who experience homelessness locally and how we can make a difference.

Fletcher Street Cottage provides opportunities for the community to get involved in responding to homelessness, both through donations and volunteering. The cottage supports locals doing it tough with meals, advocacy and counselling, open from Monday to Friday.

“We promote World Homeless Day in order to raise awareness for those who are sleeping rough in our community,” says Jenny Ryan, Homelessness Projects Manager. “Since opening in April, we’ve had over 3,000 visitors to Fletcher Street Cottage. We welcome locals to come and volunteer with us or donate to our cause.” 

Volunteer opportunities include Welcome and Logistics assisting staff to create a welcoming atmosphere and to organise the smooth running of the showers and laundry service, or joining the breakfast team to plan and prepare hot food and drinks, serve meals in the garden courtyard and clean up.

“Whether you are giving time or money, getting involved means you are providing a critical contribution to this service,” adds Jenny. “You’re supporting the offering of some basic needs like a healthy breakfast to start the day, a warm shower, being able to wash your belongings, and access to further connection and engagement.”

Despite the common perception of homelessness as a ‘rough sleeper’, there is no typical experience of homelessness. Hidden homelessness makes up the majority - whether it's people sleeping in cars, couch surfing, moving between family members or staying in temporary types of accommodation.

With rough sleepers and those affected by the housing crisis and floods, Fletcher Street Cottage is inundated with people seeking help. World Homeless Day is a time to reflect on the importance of housing as a solution and how we can make a difference as a community.

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Want to help out? Please register your interest by completing the Volunteer Application Form at


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