Fundraiser to Reopen a Hub for Byron’s Homeless


It's easy to forget your troubles in Byron. Just take a stroll on Wategos Beach or browse the boutique stores on Jonson Street and it's almost impossible to worry about anything, except maybe which cafe to get your next chai latte from. It's the reason millions of people visit every year.  

But there's another side to this popular beachside town you don't see on social media or in tourist brochures. The reality is Byron has the highest rate of homelessness outside of Sydney, with numbers on the rise, many of them disadvantaged women.

In response to this housing crisis emergency, Byron Community Centre and Creative Capital have joined forces to reopen Fletcher Street Cottage, located in the heart of town, as a service hub for Byron's most vulnerable.

On Monday, August 9, a crowdfunding campaign was launched to raise $250,000 to renovate the building. Owned by Council, Fletcher Street Cottage used to run as a drop-in centre, and closed 5 years ago due to lack of funding.

Planned improvements include fitting it out with furniture, building a commercial kitchen, adding showers, storage lockers, and turning the front and backyard into a safe and welcoming refuge.

“Fletcher Street Cottage will act as a hub for a range of services for locals at risk of becoming homeless and those already sleeping rough,” says Louise O’Connell, general manager at Byron Community Centre.

“Instead of accessing services in five or six different locations, here's a one-stop-shop, where people can come and have breakfast, access a counsellor, have a shower, do their laundry, talk to housing specialists and access other wraparound services. It's all under the one roof, which is something we haven't had since Fletcher Street Cottage closed five years ago.” 

“Byron's always been amazing at coming together and protesting. We're very good at saying no to things," says Fraser Williams-Martin, creative director of Creative Capital. "Fletcher Street Cottage is an opportunity for the community to say yes, we want to look after everyone in town, especially those in need." 

While funding has been secured through the Goninan Foundation for a manager to run the new homelessness hub, Fletcher Street Cottage will need additional donations, beyond the renovations, to help keep the lights on, because it's reopening without any government support. 

With no ongoing government funding, Fletcher Street Cottage is relying on community support to reopen its doors.  

So, if you've ever holidayed in Byron, surfed, got married, partied, given birth, started a business, lost yourself, healed yourself, fell in love, purchased an investment property, whale watched, relaxed on the beach, meditated, written a novel, kayaked with dolphins, been to a festival, or even just passed through this incredible place - it's time to give something back.

Get Involved

Fletcher Street Cottage, located in the heart of Byron Bay, will be reopened as a homelessness service hub to assist our community’s most vulnerable thanks to a collaboration between the Byron Community Centre, Byron Shire Council and Creative Capital.

It’s easy to feel helpless in the face of Byron’s homelessness crisis. Fletcher Street Cottage gives you a way to help locals in need. By donating to this worthwhile cause, you are making a difference for our community.

Donations can be made at All donations are tax deductible.


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