Fun for Kids at Imaginitis


Shorty Brown, who has traveled all over the world  entertaining all walks of life, small or tall, its showtime. She is highly creative, extremely playful and loads of fun and consistently brings laughter to all the children’s faces all over the world.

It’s Magic! It’s hilarious and extremely contagious….

It’s time to let your imagination run wild.

The 45 minute show is about discovering and embracing imagination. Where Shorty takes the children on a magical journey  exploring their own imagination - pirates, fairies, unicorns!

Imaginitis is a colourful, extremely silly, funny, and highly interactive show. The show includes Magic, Bubbles, Comedy and extreme slap-stick. It’s a colourful adventure created to entertain our youngest audience 2 -8 year olds.

Shorty Brown has a wonderful way of connecting with children, highly professional and a huge playful heart. 

After the show, stick around and continue the celebrations with music and balloons.

Let’s Party!

‘’Shout out to the legendary Shorty Brown who gave the most hilarious performance I've ever attended.’-Gabbi

‘How much fun did we have at Imaginitis today! Shorty Brown had everyone laughing from the moment they walked in the room! Slapstick humour that had both the kids and the parents in fits of laughter!’ - Byron4kids

For more info:


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