New Byron Self-Help Book Offering Healing and Hope in 108 Days 108 Ways

Self-Care During a Time of Crisis

Launching today, 108 Days 108 Ways How I Save the World – One Woman’s Pilgrimage from Pain to Purpose is a self-help book like no other! Created by Byron Bay yoga teacher and Wellness Consultant, Libby Perkins; the downloadable e-book is visually evocative and full of inspiring and reassuring messages that share her personal and painful story of recovery, whilst drawing on the influences of yoga, Ayurveda, nature, questing, creativity and spirituality as a way to navigate through challenging and changing times.

Equal parts memoir, adult picture-book and self-help guide, Libby admits that 108 Days 108 Ways could not have come to fruition at a better time. The qualified Family and System Constellation Therapist explains:

Our world is in a state of crisis and self-care has never been more important. Many people are living in an unfamiliar and heightened state of fear, uncertainty and social isolation as a result of the coronavirus pandemic, and this is leading to amplified feelings of anxiety, loneliness and depression.

I’ve noticed in my work, more people are looking for support, beyond the conventional or traditional means, as a way to cope and recover from life’s unexpected twists and turns. Setting myself a wellness quest for 108 days and embracing natural therapies and philosophies like yoga, Ayurveda and reconnecting with nature, really helped me through my darkest transition. I believe the story of my journey and this book can provide hope and healing to others in these scary and unstable times.

Setting a Personal Quest

With studios and gyms still closed, an abundance of online classes have made yoga more accessible than ever. And while the mind-body-spirit benefits of yoga are undeniable; Libby advocates setting a personal quest, beyond just morning yoga classes, in order to achieve true personal transformation and healing.

When you are feeling completely broken and helpless, like I was, it takes more than just a few vinyasa-flow classes to recover. For me it took an absolute commitment to my Sankalpa (wellness intention), and a specific combination of interventions such as seeking the guidance of wise teachers and practitioners, practising grounding and restorative yoga, Ayurvedic treatments and medicine, plus meditating, praying, dancing, chanting, writing, walking in nature - the list goes on, all the way up to 108 ways!

Coronavirus has highlighted just how vulnerable and precious our lives are. It’s provided a real wake-up call and as we continue to struggle with the after-effects of this disease, we’re also reflecting and reassessing what’s really important. Making a commitment to yourself and choosing to embark on a personal quest is the most important first step. I believe that the simple wellness activities and practices outlined in my book will help many people not only get through these hard times, but also pave the road to a better and healthier future for all beings.


Featuring a carefully curated selection of stunning animal and nature photographs, accompanied by inspirational quotes, Libby’s powerful and moving story and lots of practical wellness tips - 108 Days 108 Ways will be embraced by anyone who is searching for a stabilising anchor in this crazy world and is interested in ancient wisdom and traditions including the practices of yoga and Ayurveda for self-healing and transformation. 

Support for Nature Conservation

All of the proceeds from the purchase of 108 Days 108 Ways will be donated to the NatureNuture Foundation, a not-for-profit initiative that supports nature conservation, animal welfare, ancient and indigenous wisdom preservation and self-care education to support mental health.

Praise for 108 Days 108 Ways

This priceless book is a work of art and a profound healing balm in troubling times. If you have ever questioned the meaning of your life or been to the edge of your capacity to cope, you will find great understanding and hope in these pages. The writing will reach in and touch your heart in surprising ways, it will change and transform you forever. - Lisa Fitzpatrick, Founder of Sacred Women’s Business

The transmission in the text and images is so, so powerful... this book is a grain of sand containing the whole universe.... a distilled poetic mirror of reality and wonder and of humour and God/ gob smacking beauty. - Paul Pritchard, Uplift Connect Writer/ Columnist

Visit to read more about Libby, and purchase and instantly download a copy 108 Days 108 Ways for just $10.80 AUD, and/or to book a personal or organisational Wellness Consulting session. 


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