The Soul and Spirit of Spanish Flamenco

Bringing the soul and spirit of Spanish flamenco to Byron Theatre, acclaimed Spanish guitarist Paco Lara will inspire and capture the imagination of audiences. With the release and launch of his new album, Duende - a repertoire of original compositions Lara has produced and presenting a stunning live performance of Flamenco with a fusion of music, song and dance with his talented ensemble.

Lara migrated to Australia in 2017 from his home in Jerez in Southern Spain - the heartland of flamenco. Flamenco also recognised internationally in 2010 with the status of Intangible Heritage for Humanity by UNESCO demonstrates its cultural significance in connecting people across the world. Lara has a toured internationally alongside some of the best artists and maestro legends of flamenco in Spain and a vanguard and foremost musician of contemporary flamenco fusion in Australia. Lara’s increasing popularity in regional NSW and Australia has contributed to the growing interest and understanding of its traditions and contemporary Flamenco performance.

This live performance brings together a music collaboration with a unique international collaboration with music recordings with Spanish and Australian musicians. Lara’s ongoing passion for presenting high quality flamenco music to Australia and sharing his music with global and cultural connections will ignite the musical senses.

The performance and launch of the new album will showcase Lara’s elegant musical curation of original compositions of traditional flamenco styles, rhythm and songs that are close to Paco’s heart and have played a significant meaning in his life.

With Lara’s recent successes at the Sydney Opera House and at Adelaide Guitar Festival in 2021 and his national tour with the Andalusian Guitar Show in 2022, Duende promises to be an entertaining and popular show with Lara’s flamenco guitar mastery showcasing his talent at the top of the Australian contemporary music and performance scene.

He will share this passion through his mesmerising masterful skills and techniques on the flamenco guitar and ‘with impressive and elegant articulation’, the music, beyond being exceptionally well played, is always pretty and eminently approachable – a quality compounded by the choice of repertoire. (Music reviewer, John Shand the Sydney

Morning Herald about Andalusian Guitar Show, 2020)

This new show Duende will transport you to Southern Spain with virtuoso guitarist Lara accompanied by a multicultural and dynamic ensemble of performers with Deya Miranda Giner,-flamenco dancer, vocalist-Angela Rosero, percussionist and pianist Byron Mark and second guitarist, Carlito Akam. With a record of packed-out concerts at the Sydney Opera House in 2021 this new upcoming tour in regional NSW and Australia, will continue to transport you to new heights of a musical sensations through the energy of Flamenco to draw in the hearts and spirits of Australian audiences.

Paco Lara will be performing Duende - Spanish Flamenco at the Byron Theatre on Saturday 26 November at 8pm
Tickets $45



Lead guitarist

Francisco Lara Puerto, better known as Paco Lara is an acclaimed flamenco guitarist from the birthplace and cradle of flamenco Jerez de la Frontera, in Spain. Paco started playing guitar at a very young age, when he was only eight years old. At a still tender age of 16, Paco began working professionally as a flamenco guitarist with one of his brothers singer José Lara, recording two albums and touring extensively. Later, Paco was also mentor and promoter of his other brother, Santiago Lara, who won the renowned La Bienal de Flamenco de Sevilla (2000), Spain’s most prestigious guitar competition.

Embodying the unmistakable and genuine Jerez style of flamenco guitar playing, Paco Lara has toured internationally alongside Maestro Paco Cepero, one of flamenco’s most legendary guitarists and composers. Paco has been at the vanguard of Flamenco Fusion music genre, with hugely successful bands such as El Barrio (from 2000 to 2003) and Los Delinqüentes(from 2007 to 2011). As an accompanist to flamenco dance (Baile), Paco has participated in many European tours with famed flamenco dancer Mercedes Ruiz from Jerez, in her concerts:

• Beni de Cádiz

• Juan Moneo “El Torta”

• Miguel Flores “El Capullo de Jerez”

• Tomasa Guerrero “La Macanita”

• Remedios Amaya

• Jose de los Camarones, etc.

• Paco has also toured with the principal figure of The Copla Española,

Isabel Pantoja in Santiago de Chille - Chille, for the Festival Viña del

Mar 2017 and in Lima- Peru.

Apart from his skill as a formidable soloist, Paco is also revered for his ability as an accompanist in the specialised world of flamenco singing (Cante). This he demonstrated by recording and performing with a number of flamenco’s most significant artists including:“Dibujos en el Aire”, “Gestos de Mujer” and “Perspectivas”.

Perspectivas was awarded the “Critics Choice” at The Festival de Jerez in 2011 and this collaboration project went on being represented in variety of prestigious programs and festivals across Europe including:

• “Festival de la Guitarra de Córdoba” Córdoba - Spain (2012)

• “Festival Plaza Flamenca”, Beziers - France (2012)

• “Teatro Compac Gran Vía Madrid” Madrid - Spain ( 2012)

• “Fiesta de la Bulería de Jerez” Jerez - Spain (2012)

• “Bienal de Sevilla” Seville - Spain (2012)

• "Oktoberfest" Munich - Germany (2012)

• "Casa de la Música Moscow" Moscow - Russia (2013)

• "Festival Flamenco" St. Petersburg - Russia (2013)

Throughout his long and fruitful career, Paco Lara has recorded over twenty albums with some of the best flamenco artists in Spain. In 2017 Paco moved with his family from Spain and has since made Australia his home. In Australia, he has performed across the country with different flamenco dance companies.

In July 2018 he returned to his town to participate in The Jerez International Guitar Festival, both in concert and as a member of the Jury of the Jerez International Guitar competition.

In August 2018 Paco performed in The Sydney Guitar Festival in Australia. Paco has been touring Australia promoting his solo album "The Andalusian Guitar" and performing at some of the most prestigious venues with maximum audience attendance, and outstanding reviews. His latest concerts in Canberra (Street Theatre), Newcastle, Byron Bay Theatre, The Q – Queanbeyan, etc, have all been sold out concerts in record times. Paco is today the most prominent flamenco guitarist living in Australia. His great successes in 2021 included performances at the The Sydney Opera House and at The Adelaide

International Guitar Festival which has placed Paco’s virtuoso guitar performances at the top of the Australian contemporary music scene. Paco has produced his own shows with his ensemble promoting the unique artform of flamenco and sharing his cultural knowledge for increasing understanding and entertainment for audiences for all ages in Australia.

Presently, Paco is realising and completing his new album: “DUENDE” recording in Spain and Australia to be launched in October 2022.





Flamenco Dancer

Deya Miranda is a professional flamenco dancer, and the principal dance instructor at the Newcastle Flamenco Dance.

She first began to dance flamenco in 1992, at the age of 16, in Menorca (Spain) with Paqui Ferrer. Upon her return from Spain, she continued learning and perfecting her art with flamenco dancer Diana Reyes, in Sydney.

The passion to return to the source and the heart of flamenco dance persisted and in 1994 Deya decided to travel once more to Spain to live and study flamenco in Málaga with the help of her Spanish relatives. She studied with some renowned master dancers, including; La Lupi, El Carrete and La Rosa de Málaga.

She also deputed as a dancer, at the 'Gypsy Tablao' (Soniquete) in Málaga, alongside the famous El Carrete.

In 2002, Deya moved to Seville to further her studies at the prestigious flamenco dance school of Cristina Herren. Here she studied master classes with Milagros Menjíbar (style called Bata De Cola - which is a name for the traditional Spanish ruffle dress with a train), Isabel Bayón, Javier Barón and Manolo Soler. Also, she danced intensively under the tutelage of Juana Amaya, at her school in Seville.

Next year, her dance engagements started to take off. In 2003, Deya worked for a dance company in Mallorca (Spain), which performed in high end music venues.

In 2004, she toured Holland with a flamenco group for a month, and they performed at a variety of music venues and theatres. Later that year she returned to Australia and performed with a local flamenco guitarist Damian Wright in Newcastle and Sydney.

By this point in Deya's life, she completely fell in love with Spain and flamenco, and started spending more and more time in Spain.

From 2005 until 2008, she worked with her old teacher, Paqui Ferrer, in her flamenco group in Menorca (Spain) where Deya had the opportunity to dance in the 'La Traviatta' opera production with the Barcelona Symphony Orchestra.

She went on to perform at the reputable Cuidadella Theatre, and at the number of five-star hotels and music venues. In 2009, Deya moved to Jerez, (birthplace of flamenco art ) where she met her partner Paco Lara, a renowned flamenco guitarist.Their combined talents and passion lead them to a string of performances all over the world: Deya and Paco travelled to Australia in 2010, to perform at the Yarra Valley Vineyards and in Deya's hometown - Newcastle. The same year they travelled to Shanghai (China) , performing at diverse congress halls, in luxury five star hotels and at a Chinese New Year’s celebration.

In 2011, they performed at the prestigious International Flamenco Dance Festival of Jerez, (Spain), in a flamenco cycle at the Jineteverde Arts Venue, (El Zoco).

Later, in 2012, they formed the group called 'La Gypsy Caravana ' (The Gypsy Caravan) and arrived to Australia to perform .This group was a unique fusion group of pure flamenco dance and song, and a collaboration with the lead singer and guitarist from a famous Andalusian folk fusion flamenco band 'Los Delinquentes' ('The Delinquents').

Afterwards, they went on a short tour to the northern Spain and performed at the prestigious Flamenco Festival of Jerez.

In all this, Deya never ceased to perfect her craft. She decided to further her dance studies in Jerez at a master level before returning to Australia on a permanent basis in 2017.

She danced with the master Manuela Carpio, and also danced and performed under the guidance of La Maestra, Mercedes Ruiz (one of Spain’s most acclaimed flamenco dancers in the history).

Currently, Deya works as guest flamenco dancer in the Andalusian Guitar Show which is Paco Lara’s most recent production that incorporates traditional Spanish and modern dance, song, guitar, and percussion.


Second guitar

Carlito was born in Basra, Iraq where he grew up listening to his local church choir and band. By age 20 he came to live in Australia, where his love affair with flamenco guitar began.

He has been based in Sydney since 2002 and has been influenced and working with Flamenco Spanish Guitarist -El Maestro Paco Lara. Carlito has since become a successful and thriving flamenco guitarist. In 2011 Carlito studied at the Australian International Conservatorium of Music and in 2015 released his debut music album, Once Upon A Time. A compilation of original compositions and unique covers arranged by Carlito himself . In 2017 he was a part of a band, Triptick Trio releasing their first album Travellers Album. Carlito is currently working on a new album which soon to be released and tours with


Piano & percussion

Byron Mark is a professional percussionist, pianist and composer who has established himself as an in-demand funk, flamenco, jazz, and pop performer both in Australia and internationally. Beginning with studies in classical piano from a young age, Byron continued to learn drums, percussion and saxophone.

He has pursued specialist percussion training on cajon in Spain and djembe in West Africa. Having completed a Bachelor of Composition and Master of Teaching, Byron regularly performs and composes for various artists around Australia, as well as managing and conducting high-school concert and stage band ensembles. His current projects include percussionist and pianist in contemporary flamenco group ‘Arrebato Ensemble’, keyboards in Frank Zappa show ‘Petulant Frenzy’, and working on his original projects ‘Amalgamation’ and his newly formed Septet, featuring string quartet, piano and percussion. Byron is also well known for his unique performance setup when playing in pop duo/trio formats – where he plays keyboards and percussion simultaneously and regularly tours with flamenco guitar maestro, Paco Lara.



Angela is a Colombian artist who has captivated Australian audiences combining her talents of acting and singing. She is the main perfromer of the nationally acclaimed Latin orchestra, Cumbiamuffin and known for working along many collaborations with different artists and projects.

Angela was Co-founder, producer and actress of HISPANIC ARTISTIC EXPRESSION, a not- for-profit organisation created on 2008 with the purpose of spreading amongst the public in Australia, the culture, idiosyncrasy, costumes and language of HISPANO AMERICA. This company evolved and established a creative space called “La Sala” where many high- quality artistic events were produced and presented. It provided a cultural hub and network for communities and and made a positive impact in career pathways and creating opportunities for local artists from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.

Angela is known for her strong interest in showcasing female singers and composers. For this work she was recognised and selected to be part of Settlement Services International (SSI) Sydney delegation for Australian Woman in Music Awards in 2019. She has produced several soloists’ concerts and is known by her powerful performance singing on stage with an enjoyable repertoire. With a mix between jazz, bolero, trova, flamenco and more, Angela takes audiences to a magical journey through Hispanic American music, engaging her followers with her romanticism, sensuality and talent.


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