Weekly Women’s Circle Launches at Fletcher Street Cottage

On International Women's Day, the Byron Women's Space was launched at homeless hub Fletcher Street Cottage in a bid to empower women experiencing housing insecurity and provide them with a safe space to connect and share their experiences.

The initiative was led by the Byron Community Centre who recognised the need for a support system for women in the community. Having a dedicated time for a women only space will provide a platform for women to discuss their challenges, fears and hopes while enjoying afternoon tea, art activities, access to visiting services and a safe space to create community.

The launch event on March 8 2023 was attended by women of all ages who reside in the Byron Shire. The event started with an introduction by the Community Support Workers at Fletcher Street Cottage,  who invited women to give feedback on their ideas for meeting the needs of female service users at the cottage.  

The atmosphere was warm and inspiring as the women shared stories of resilience, determination and strength. Many spoke of their struggles with housing and the challenges of being a woman in a vulnerable position. The women found solace in the fact that they were not alone in their struggles and that there was a community that supported them.

Many women in the Byron Shire experience the challenges of living in insecure housing and in homelessness, with women in their 40s and over considered the fastest growing cohort of the population at risk of homelessness. The rising cost of housing in the region has contributed to many women facing sleeping in their car, staying with friends or family, and in some cases living in tents and caravans due to not being able to access affordable accommodation.

Gendered factors for this include lower earnings and superannuation due to the wage gap, often having spent less time in the workforce or in part time jobs due to bearing the brunt of caring for children and other family members, and issues such as domestic violence and relationship breakdown.

The Byron Women’s Space will be held every Wednesday at 12:30 - 2:30pm, with each session focusing on a different theme, including self-care, confidence-building and empowerment. The aim is to provide a safe space where women can share their experiences, gain new skills and support each other.

One of the Community Support Workers leading the women's space, Jen Lunan, spoke about the importance of the initiative. "We want to provide a space for  women experiencing housing instability so that they can feel that they have a voice and a place in the world. We want them to know that they are not alone and that there is a community that cares for them."

The launch of the women's space was a huge success, and the Fletcher Street Cottage team hopes to expand the initiative over the coming months. It is a small step towards empowering women and creating a more inclusive and supportive community.

Every Wednesday, 12:30 - 2:30pm, 18 Fletcher Street, Byron Bay. No booking required.

For more information or to donate, go to fletcherstreetcottage.com.au.

Byron Women’s Space 

Afternoon tea, art activities and a safe space to create community.

Byron Community Centre
The Byron Community Centre is an independent not-for-profit organisation that provides essential services including meals, advocacy and counselling, as well as arts and social programs for the benefit of the whole community.
For more information please see: www.byroncentre.com.au.

Fletcher Street Cottage provides support and services for people at risk of homelessness, or already sleeping rough. For more information please see: www.fletcherstreetcottage.com.au.


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