Youth Stage Launches in Byron

Image credit: Taj Minter Naughton

Byron Music Festival and Byron Youth Service have teamed up to provide an exciting and potentially career defining opportunity for four local artists from the Northern Rivers youth community.

 BMF Youth Stage is a two-month music mentoring program developed by Byron Music Festival and Byron Youth Service to encourage creation of new works by emerging artists between 12-24 years. The program is open to original musicians of all styles. 

 Through an online audition process, four artists will be selected to work alongside four of our region’s most renowned and successful musicians who are taking on mentoring roles for the project and will help produce an original song at a local recording studio. 

 The program will culminate in a radio-ready song for release and a showcase performance at Byron Youth Arts Centre (YAC) on Saturday 15 October 2022.

 Byron Youth Service General Manager Christian Tancred said: "This is a fantastic opportunity for young artists to plug into and gain experience in the music business. Byron Music Festival has been a terrific supporter of the music program at The YAC and we are stoked to be able to continue this relationship and foster the next generation of local artists.”


The selected artists will receive:

  • One day of pre-production with a mentor 

  • One day recording at a local recording studio with a mentor and sound engineer 

  • Mixed and mastered radio ready version of their original song 

  • Assistance with release, PR and marketing of their new single 

  • A performance at a local showcase event


  • Must be between 12-24 years of age 

  • Have an already written original song to record 

  • Must be available for one day meet & greet, one mentoring day, one recording day (in early September) and performance on October 15 

Key Dates:

·        Thursday 4 August                  Applications open

·        Monday 22 August                  Artists selected and contacted

·        Thursday 8 September            Launch/Meet & Greet event

·        1 – 16 September                    Mentoring and recording

·        16 September – 3 October      Mixing/post-production

·        Saturday 15 October               BMF Youth Stage Event


Artists can apply now until 21 August via

BMF Youth Stage 2022 is supported by SAE, Rocking Horse Studios, Alleyway Studio, Byron Music, and Festivals Australia.


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