Byron Community Raises Over $250K for Homeless Hub


The crowdfunding campaign to help reopen Fletcher Street Cottage as a hub for Byron’s homeless community has surpassed its goal of $250,000. And that was with 10 days remaining.

Despite the fundraiser being launched on 9 August, the first day of COVID-19 lockdown in the Northern Rivers, and in the midst of a global pandemic, the local community has shown Byron still has a heart by coming together to care for the town's most vulnerable.

“While polarisation grows over other topics, the issue of homelessness seems to have galvanised people from all walks, rich and struggling, famous and anonymous, vaxxed and unvaxxed, locals and blow-ins, all joined forces in a life-affirming testament to the giving spirit of the region,” says Brandon Saul, director of Creative Capital, which coordinated the campaign.

"It's really heartwarming to see who’s helped out. So far, we’ve received more than 150 individual donations, and I personally know a lot of people on that list are doing it tough at the moment, so it's inspiring to see people digging so deep. It just confirms my belief that Byron’s still a really generous and caring community.”

From grassroots donations of $100 – which has been the most common amount contributed – to donations of $20,000 and more from Byron businesses like Spell, and family foundations including the Knappick and L & R Uechtritz Foundations, to prominent locals Chris Hemsworth and Elsa Pataky, who generously matched community contributions of $125,000. Everyone has come to the party.

"We're so grateful for the wonderful support of our local community coming together to help us reopen Fletcher Street Cottage," says Louise O'Connell, general manager of the Byron Community Centre. "With an increasing demand for our services, this 'one stop shop' for Byron's homeless is needed now more than ever.”

While the $250,000 will renovate the cottage, fit it out with furniture, build a commercial kitchen, add showers and laundry, and turn the front and backyard into a safe and welcoming refuge, it's only the beginning. 

“The impact of COVID-19, the housing crisis and job insecurity means that we are seeing more locals reach out for help every day,” explains Louise. “Meals, showers and laundry in a safe place are a first step to providing wraparound services to address our community's needs. When Fletcher Street Cottage has been renovated and the doors reopened, we need continued funding to provide these essential services. Without any government support, we're relying on Byron's community spirit and generosity of heart to keep this homeless hub going.”

The campaign is still live and accepting donations until 10 September. With the building secured, Creative Capital and the Byron Community Centre are now focused on resourcing the myriad of services at the centre. 

Please continue to spread the word and give generously where you can, so the lights can stay on at Fletcher Street Cottage long into the future.

Get Involved

Fletcher Street Cottage, located in the heart of Byron Bay, will be reopened as a homelessness service hub to assist our community’s most vulnerable thanks to a collaboration between the Byron Community Centre, Byron Shire Council and Creative Capital.

It’s easy to feel helpless in the face of Byron’s homelessness crisis. Fletcher Street Cottage gives you a way to help locals in need. By donating to this worthwhile cause, you are making a difference for our community.

All donations are tax deductible.


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