Remembering Maria

By Jessica Humphries

Maria Kirsten

Maria Kirsten

It’s impossible to find any words that can honestly honour Maria, who devastatingly passed away, quite suddenly, from cancer. It has been a shock to many of her friends and students who are left with hearts broken over the loss of the long-time Byron Shire local.

I personally knew Maria in her role as an incredible yoga teacher and anatomy educator (the funnest kind!). I worked with her closely years ago at Byron Yoga Centre, and more recently through Australian Yoga Journal when I was editor. It’s at times like these when I feel completely lost for words; grasping for something that can even minutely do justice to this marvellous human being. And so I’ll keep this short and sweet and simply say that Maria, you were undeniably one of the most inspiring people to walk this earth. It’s unfathomable that someone so vibrant, honest and truly inspiring could be taken from us so soon. And yet, there’s the subtle sense that you were made for something more grand than we could ever imagine. You made this world a better place by being here, and created waves so powerful we’ll be bathing in their memory for many years to come.


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