Byron Community Centre Celebrates Volunteer Week

Byron Community Centre Calls for More Volunteers During National Volunteer Week 2024 

In celebration of National Volunteer Week, the Byron Community Centre recognises the invaluable contributions of our current and past volunteers and is taking the opportunity to extend a heartfelt invitation for more community members to sign up. 

National Volunteer Week (NVW) 2024, held from May 20th to 26th, is Australia’s largest annual celebration of volunteering, and this year’s theme, ‘Something for Everyone,’ underscores the diverse passions and talents that volunteers bring to our community. 

Currently, over 200 volunteers contribute their time and skills across the Byron Community Centre. Whether it’s box office at the Byron Theatre, serving breakfast at Fletcher Street Cottage or a warm welcome at Reception, volunteers are making a significant impact on the lives of many. But more are needed. 

Cath Levins-Byres, Volunteer Coordinator, says:

“Over the last 12 months, we have seen a dramatic increase in people accessing our community services and events, particularly Fletcher Street Cottage, which means we are in need of more reliable volunteers. More volunteers will help us provide consistent and comprehensive support to those who rely on our services.” 

Since 2022, volunteers have dedicated over 1,140 hours to the Fletcher Street Cottage breakfast, showers and laundry service, demonstrating their commitment to supporting our community’s most vulnerable members. Additionally, volunteers contributed over 3,653 hours to the Byron Community Centre, Byron Theatre and Byron Markets. 

Cath continues:

“As a non-profit and charity, our volunteers are the backbone of our organisation. Their dedication and hard work ensure that we can continue to provide vital services and support to the Byron Bay community.” 

The Byron Community Centre offers a wide range of volunteer opportunities to suit various interests and skills:

● Reception and Administration: Help with day-to-day operations and support community programs. 

● Marketing and PR: Assist in promoting programs, activities and events. ● Fletcher Street Cottage: Volunteer at our homeless hub, helping with breakfast service, showers and laundry. 

● Byron Theatre: Volunteer as a theatre usher, raffle ticket seller or bar staff to get involved in the exciting world of live shows. 

Volunteering offers numerous benefits, including making a meaningful contribution, personal growth and community impact. Volunteering at the Byron Community Centre is more than just giving back, it’s about being part of a vibrant and supportive community.

Stacy, a breakfast volunteer at Fletcher Street Cottage, shares:

“I enjoy helping out in the community. It takes a village. We have a great team of people here.” 

Apply to volunteer at the Byron Community Centre at 

National Volunteer Week is the perfect time to explore how you can make a difference. By volunteering you will join with a community dedicated to improving the lives of our community members and contributing to the rich cultural fabric of the Byron Shire. 

Explore the diverse opportunities available and find your place in our volunteer community. To apply, visit our website or contact us directly at Volunteer | Byron Community Centre ( 

Let’s come together during National Volunteer Week to showcase that there truly is ‘Something for Everyone’ in volunteering. Your unique skills and interests can make a transformative impact. 

Apply to Volunteer: 

If you're passionate about supporting our community and are interested in volunteering at Fletcher Street Cottage, we encourage you to apply today. To submit your application or for more information, visit Volunteer | Byron Community Centre (


The Byron Community Centre is an independent not-for-profit organisation that provides essential services including meals, advocacy and counselling, as well as arts and social programs for the benefit of the whole community. 

For more information please see: 

Fletcher Street Cottage provides support and services for people at risk of homelessness, or already sleeping rough. For more information please see: 


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