Homelessness Week Shines Light on Locals Doing it Tough
Fletcher Street Cottage provides services and support for Byron’s homeless community.
Free Mental Health Support for Northern Rivers Residents
In the aftermath of what has been a challenging time for our region, mental wellbeing is an important aspect of our individual and community health.
Calling local musicians for gigs at the markets
Are you a solo musician, duo or band looking for a new place to share your talents? The Byron Markets could be the place.
Community open day at new look Fletcher Street Cottage
Homeless hub opens its doors for the community to come and take a tour, meet the friendly staff and volunteers, and learn more about the services on offer for people in need.
Community Flood Relief Fund Raises $1M
In just four weeks the Flood Relief Fund, a grassroots community-led fund formed in response to the devastating floods across the wider Northern Rivers region, has already raised over $1 Million in funding.
New Community Land Trust to Create Diversity of Housing in the Byron Shire
Access to safe and stable housing for vulnerable women and children.
Lennox Market Reopens Under New Management
Food, shopping and live music in a beautiful setting, while spending time with friends and family.
Byron Community Centre Elects New Management Committee
Strong leadership with a wide range of expertise set to guide the Community Centre into a bright new future.
Byron Community Centre's Management Committee Wins Volunteer Team Award
The volunteer Management Committee win 2021 NSW Volunteer Team of the Year Award (Northern Rivers).
Call for Bequests from Byron Community Centre
How to leave a lasting legacy with a gift in your will this Include a Charity Week.
Byron Community Centre Continues Essential Services for Locals in Need During Lockdown
Ensuring all public health and safety protocols are followed and delivering services aligned with best practice is no easy feat.
Fundraiser to Reopen a Hub for Byron’s Homeless
In response to the housing crisis, Byron Community Centre and Creative Capital have joined forces to reopen Fletcher Street Cottage, located in the heart of town, as a service hub for Byron's most vulnerable and they need your help.
New manager for Fletcher Street Cottage to support Byron’s homeless
With over 30 years of experience in health and human services across private, government and community sectors, Jenny Ryan will oversee services for our community’s most vulnerable.
Stone and Wood's InGrained Foundation Donates over $115K to Local Not For Profits
These organisations will address the needs of our environment and community as well as support some of the very pressing and immediate concerns in our region such as housing and homelessness.
Byron Markets Awarded 5 Year Leases by Council
The Byron Community Centre will continue to manage all three Byron Markets as a social enterprise giving back to our community through their services and programs.
Seniors Festival Creates Community Connection
A week of fun and interactive workshops, activities and presentations for our older residents.
I Am Byron: The Drummer
A Byron musician rediscovers the joy of music after losing a 10-year job that he didn’t enjoy and finding his passion again.
What's On: Let's Talk Menopause
An informed conversation about the menopause journey with local women’s health specialists.